Pest Control Show filters Hide filters Filter products Orderable Show in stock only (51) $ - Clear selection 1 - 60 of 67 productsItems per page1224364860Sort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity 12 Next Grub B gon Max Granular Scotts 3.08kg $ 74.99WishlistMore infoBuy now Scotts Weed B Gone Max RTU 1L $ 37.99WishlistMore infoBuy now Grub B gon Max Granular Scotts 1.4kg $ 34.99WishlistMore infoBuy now Scotts Weed B Gone Max RTU 2L $ 23.99WishlistMore infoBuy now BIRD-X PROTECTIVE NETTING 28'x28' $ 52.95WishlistMore infoBuy now ROUNDUP ADAVNACED HERBICIDAL CONC 1L $ 27.99WishlistMore infoBuy now BOBBEX DEER REPELLENT RTU 1.42 L $ 34.98WishlistMore infoBuy now JAPANESE BEETLE TRAP SAFERS $ 12.79WishlistMore infoBuy now ROUND UP GRASS AND WEED CONTROL 2L $ 15.89WishlistMore infoBuy now SPRAYER DIAL N SPRAY RED $ 23.98WishlistMore infoBuy now BUG B GON ECO INSECTICIDE 1L $ 12.99WishlistMore infoBuy now Safers Slug&Snail Bait 1kg $ 19.98WishlistMore infoBuy now KNOCK DOWN X-MAX FLYING INSECT KILLER $ 21.99WishlistMore infoBuy now Bug B Gone Concentrate 500ML $ 16.99WishlistMore infoBuy now ORTHO WASP B GON SPRAY 400G $ 9.29WishlistMore infoBuy now HORTICULTURAL OIL 500ML $ 17.95WishlistMore infoBuy now COPPER STOPPER 5" X 20' $ 19.95WishlistMore infoBuy now MOSQUITO BARRIER-946L HOSE END SPRAYER $ 54.98WishlistMore infoBuy now KNOCK DOWN POT IT PLANT 400G $ 17.98WishlistMore infoBuy now ANT OUT ANT TRAPS X12 $ 14.98WishlistMore infoBuy now Safer's Defender Garden Fungicide RTU 1L $ 11.79WishlistMore infoBuy now PiACTIVE Mosquito Spray (KIDS) 175ml $ 14.98WishlistMore infoBuy now SAFERS INSECTICIDAL SOAP RTU 1 L $ 12.98WishlistMore infoBuy now 3 IN 1 INSECTICIDE/FUNGUCIDE RTU 1L $ 12.95WishlistMore infoBuy now Rose & Flower Insecticide 1L RTU $ 12.98WishlistMore infoBuy now ROUNDUP GRASS & WEED CONTROL 1L $ 9.99WishlistMore infoBuy now GARDEN SULPHUR 300 GR. $ 9.99WishlistMore infoBuy now ROUNDUP 709ML RTU $ 7.99WishlistMore infoBuy now ANT KILLER AEROSOL $ 12.98WishlistMore infoBuy now Miracle Gro Garden Fungicide RTU 709ml $ 9.99WishlistMore infoBuy now ROUNDUP ADVANCED G&W CTRL 5L $ 41.99WishlistMore infoBuy now BLACK SOAP GARDEN SPRAY $ 24.95WishlistMore infoBuy now BOBBEX DEER REPELLENT CONC .95 L $ 37.99WishlistMore infoBuy now AQUABAC BIOLOGICAL LARVICIDE $ 29.98WishlistMore infoBuy now BTK 500ML BTA BioProtect $ 31.95WishlistMore infoBuy now BIRD-X PROTECTIVE NETTING 14'x14' $ 13.95WishlistMore infoBuy now Black Soap 355ml $ 24.95WishlistMore infoBuy now JAPANESE BEETLE BAIT $ 8.99WishlistMore infoBuy now JAPANESE BEETLE BAGS $ 7.99WishlistMore infoBuy now Ant BGon Max Ant Glue $ 5.98WishlistMore infoBuy now MOUSE SNAP TRAP 2PACK $ 6.19WishlistMore infoBuy now ORTHO ANT B GON MAX ANT KILLER GRANULARS $ 19.99WishlistMore infoBuy now KNOCK DOWN MAX 212G $ 17.98WishlistMore infoBuy now Ortho Animal B Gon 1L $ 17.99WishlistMore infoBuy now WASP & HORNET CONTROL ONE SHOT $ 13.98WishlistMore infoBuy now ORTHO ANT TRAPS (ANT B GON MAX) $ 12.99WishlistMore infoBuy now WASPINATOR WASP DETERENT $ 9.29WishlistMore infoBuy now ORTHO ANT B GON MAX ANT LIQUID 100ML $ 6.49WishlistMore infoBuy now KNOCK DOWN HANGING PEST TRAPS 5/PKG $ 4.59WishlistMore infoBuy now GLUE TRAPS FOR ANTS $ 4.98WishlistMore infoBuy now KNOCK DOWN PEST TRAPS $ 3.59WishlistMore infoBuy now ORTHO BEETLE BGON MAX 150 G $ 34.99WishlistMore info ROUNDUP GRASS & WEED CONTROL 5L $ 29.99WishlistMore info Round Up 5L Tough Brush & Posion Ivy $ 42.99WishlistMore info BORDO COPPER SPRAY 200G $ 22.95WishlistMore info BTK 100ML $ 14.97WishlistMore info Tanglefoot Tree Insect Barrier w/ wrap $ 19.98WishlistMore info POT-IT BOTANICAL INSECT KILLER $ 17.98WishlistMore info LIME SULPHUR 1L $ 19.98WishlistMore info Weed B Gon Scotts 500ML $ 19.99WishlistMore info 12 Next